0086-159200111660086-15920011166 info@szqunmao.cominfo@szqunmao.com
  • Source Factory

    The two factories (Shenzhen and Guangzhou) cover a total area of 330,000 square meters. We independently develop and open our own production toolings. All materials such as light bars, back covers, frames, etc. are produced by our own factories. We support CBU, SKD or CKD.

  • 20+ Years Experience

    Established in Shenzhenin 2005 Qunmao Display has become a leader in innovative digital signage solutions. With our two decades of industry expertise, we can provide 100% customized solutions based on customer needs.

  • Automated Production Workshop

    Qunmao has 10 automated production lines, all equipped with automatic robots to minimize labor costs and achieve unmanned workshops. IFP's daily production capacity has reached 1,000PCS.

    Various professional testing instruments are complete, including high and low temperature testing, constant temperature testing, delay testing, drop and vibration testing, central signal instrument, etc.

  • Lifetime Technical Support

    Qunmao provide a complimentary installation guide and offer free lifetime technical support in addition to standard repairs. Our dedicated after-sales technical team is available 24/7 to provide support for your business.